Sunday, December 13

We talk about the Weather

Some places, it's considered lack of finesse or imagination to discuss the weather, but in Colorado Springs, its diversity provides a wealth of conversation material. A sampling of the accounts I could provide :
  • How I learned the hard way to wear long underwear, plus dressing for blizzard-like conditions for my 1-minute walk to class
  • "Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we were consistently colder than the North Pole"
  • How I almost died slipping on black ice
  • . . . and then it was sunny and quite mild
  • The snow melted so quickly!
  • No, it's not that cold out anymore, never mind the cold! Where the heck did the bluster come from? A minute ago nine gusts of wind literally lifted me off my feet! I almost dropped my soymilk!
All this in the same week!

Friday, December 11


I don't know how many times I've fallen down the stairs in my dorm this year. Tons.

How many steps are there, you ask? There are four.
What are they made of? A very traction-friendly rubber.
What's at the bottom? Carpet.

Yet the four steps outside of the dorm house, which are often coated in ice, give me no trouble.
Obviously there's something wrong with me.

Sunday, December 6

What did the policeman say to his tummy?

I've got you under a vest!


What do you call a nosy pepper?

Jalapeño business!

Monday, November 30

Baking without measuring

Recently I found myself with all of the ingredients but none of the utensils. Read on to see how my educated brain dealt with this!

I had a cough-medicine cup-thingy and a glass.
I just measured flour into the glass 2 teaspoons at a time and marked off the following intervals:

12 teaspoons = 1/4 cup
16 teaspoons = 1/3 cup
24 teaspoons = 1/2 cup
32 teaspoons = 2/3 cup
36 teaspoons = 3/4 cup
48 teaspoons = 1 cup

Homemade measuring cup! I'll just use the cough-medicine-thingy for the little stuff, remembering that
3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon.


Update (Dec. 14th):
I lost the cough-medicine-thingy. Now I have two left, but they're in milliliters. And the markings on the cup weren't "permanent" enough. Here we go again.

236.588 mL = 1 cup
177.4 mL = 3/4 cup
157.7 mL = 2/3 cup
118.3 mL = 1/2 cup
78.8 mL = 1/3 cup
59.15 mL = 1/4 cup

4.9 mL = 1 teaspoon
14.8 mL = 1 tablespoon

Sunday, November 15

Tales of Health

Tale of Victory: Bronchitis has mostly passed, coughing has mostly stopped. (Good, because I depleted my two bottles of Robitussin.) I even think I'm getting over being overtrained!

Tale of Woe: My first bunion. Waaaaaaaaaahh . . . . . . .
I'm the poster child for bunions from pointe.

Tale of Victory: Today, made major headway with Rosie on her solo.
This is for my "bound ballet," by the way. Rosie is my Ankles. --------------------------------->

Tale of Woe: Not extreme headway, though. Because of my bunion!

Saturday, November 14

Snow Duck

It snowed.

I made a snow duck.

Friday, November 6

Text on the Net

FML is that anonymous repository of ironic woe and failure, TFLN is "Remember that text you shouldn't have sent last night?" and MLIA is the optimistic kid sister of the two.
They are all pretty much the most popular time-diddling websites on campus at the moment. Personally, I think MLIA is the best. It is basically an online Generation Y cuddlefest. Trends I've noted are

1. anti-Twilightism and anti-Miley Cyrus-ism
Yesterday, I took my baby cousin trick or treating. She was dressed as a pumpkin and was absolutely adorable, so many kids wanted to hold her. She was held my a zombie, a dead person, a texas chainsaw murderer, and a scary clown. She didn't cry until she got held by a twelve year-old dressed as Miley Cyrus.
2. references to Harry Potter and 90's phenoms such as Pokemon and Transformers
Today, I finally managed to say "Piii...kaa.." before I sneezed.
3. Snuggies
Today I discovered that when you put a Snuggie on backwards, it no longer is a Snuggie but an awesome cape, and I preceded to run around my dorm floor making whooshing noises. Three other kids on my floor came out to join me and we played 2 on 2 Quidditch.
4. amazing fun things
Today, I brought a dog home from the shelter who I had been iffy about adopting. Within the first few hours, I discovered that when you point at him and say "Pillow fight!" he runs off and comes back with a pillow.
5. witnessing strangers carrying out planned absurdities
I was driving by the lake and I saw a Jeep full of guys pass me. They were hanging out the windows and the sunroof, paddling with canoe paddles, and singing "Just Around the Riverbend" from Pocahontas.
6. the communion of unplanned absurdities with strangers
Today, I saw a man dressed in full Buddy costume from the movie "Elf." I stuck my head out my car window and yelled, "You're a cotton-headed ninnymuggins!" His gasp was audible from several feet away, and then he chased me down the sidewalk yelling, "I'm telling Santa!"
7. awesomesauce little kids
Last night while trick-or-treating I saw a 10 year old boy who had made himself and entire suit and cape out of bubblewrap. Excited, I shouted "It's Bubblewrap Boy!" The kid turned around and said "I'm Bubblewrap MAN," pointing to the mustache he had drawn over his lip.
8. awesomesauce old people
9. awesomesauce parents and teachers

Tuesday, October 27

How Do You Spend Your Web Time?

What are my most-used websites? I have these sites as icons right at the top on my web browser:
1. Digg, a news site where users try to vote stories to the front page.
2. CC's library webpage and help desk and PROWL
3. The Raw Story, NPR Politics on Twitter, Associated Press, and Al Jazeera English, for world news.
4. Facebook
5. ChaCha's KnowledgeBase, even though I haven't worked for them in a while.
6. Yahoo! mail
7. Youtube
8. Blogger
9. WordReference, romance language dictionary with excellent grammar forums.
10. and nciku, Chinese dictionaries.
12. RhymeZone, rhyming dictionary.
13. RedBubble, a social site/art gallery for visual artists who write on the side.
14. RememberTheMilk, online to-do lists.
15. craigslist
16. 43 Things, for occasional motivation.
17. LyricWiki, so you can look up lyrics to songs without being bombarded by infectious ads.
18. Google Maps
19. a time calculator, comes in handy.
20. TinyUrl
21. spreeder, a speed-reading tool.
22. Athleticore, a workout log that CC runners use.
23. MyPyramid Tracker, nutrition log and analyzer which came in handy when I started eating vegetarian.
24. HowStuffWorks

Wednesday, October 21

Take Home Tests

Advantage/Disadvantage Analysis of Take Home Tests

1. It's not like they're open book. You can take it anywhere, but the library ceiling doesn't have the answers.
2. Ticknor runs super hot. I prefer my room and my desk, but my room heater is broken and refuses to turn off.
3. No sense of inter-student competition, or, on the other hand, pre-test game-building hoots.
4. Classrooms don't have distractions the way my room has distractions.

1. You can take the test in your underwear.
1.5 especially if your room heater is broken.
2. You can yell "DEFINITIONS PWNED!" after completing the definition section.
3. Six bathroom breaks.
4. I have a chocolate donut that I'm going to eat after I complete the hardest essay.
5. You can listen to music.
6. None of that Sniffly Girl. or Girl Who Chews TicTacs really loudly, I hated her so much. Also, the guy who usually sits in front of me has wild sideburns on the back of his neck and I stare at it because it's weird when we're in class.
7. Rock in my squeaky chair? Don't mind if I do.
8. White noise? I'ma turn my fan to HIGH!

One More Disadvantage
1. I was under the impression that no one was going to notice me running to the TV lounge and jumping on the couch in the seventh inning.

Tuesday, October 20

Doing much better

I'm over swine flu, and every day I've been dividing my frequency and severity of coughing in half, so I think today was the last day before it stops.
One good outcome - probably spending so much time in bed was good for my overtrained body. Now that the flu effects are fading away, I don't feel sore or painful all over. I am, however, very weak, and I can tell both from my baggy jeans (which used to be my tight jeans) and from my performance in modern class that I have lost a significant amount of strength and muscle mass. Starting over time . . . !

Wednesday, October 14

It is special flu

Today I managed to eat some solid foods. And by solid foods I mean soup. Ladies came by yesterday with a big box of food and like a million Gatorades.

I tell you, swine flu is not like regular flu. It is horrible. This fever is going on 3 days. I don't even know what day it is. Wednesday? I thought it was Thursday. Oh well.

So making the soup and blogging about it is all I have energy for today, bye bye.

Friday, October 9

Talking with Joel

Tonight, at dinner
Joel: "So you've been vegetarian for more than a year now. How do you get your iron?"
Me: "Salads. Huge salads that I get teased for."
Joel: "I'm sure you don't."

Later, at the salad bar
Joel: "You weren't joking. That is an enormous pile of lettuce and spinach."
Me: "I tell you Joel, I don't spend much time in the space between truth and hyperbole."
Joel: "I can see that. In any case, we're going to be here a while."
"Yes, well, leafy greens . . . . . . . . I'M A COW!" I announced.
However, Joel had walked around the corner and this announcement went straight into the face of the unfamiliar freshman boy standing next to me spearing croutons, who could only say, "Umm . . . sorry?"

It was almost better than the "clean tasting spoons" incident.

Thursday, October 8

Dance updates

Hey homedogs.

Advanced choreography adjunct is cool. Yesterday we had to lead improv . . . mine was easy: "You're filaments and the wall is MAGNETS! You don't want to get stuck but you're GONNA LOSE!"

I came up with the dopest floor move that I want to use in the Bowed Piano ensemble piece next semester. Don't want to ruin the pleasure of actually seeing it, but I'll tell you it comes with very specific injury - it rubs a chunk of flesh off the wrist and therefore I can't do it too much.

I played for them this "soundscape" song I was thinking of using for a duet. It's 37 minutes long and I wanted to choreograph 3 minutes or so and randomize the starting point of the dance for every performance. They all said I should do a whole show, a continuous one, with it because I loved the whole thing so much. They were like: "Would you be up to it?" and I was like: "Yeah, actually."

But next semester.

I finally told Jeff I'm overtrained and he got kind of horrified. So now he expects me to back off a ton. I may be burned out but I still love dance deep down to the mitochondria. Taking it easy is not something I'm particularly good at. I kind of wish I had a guardian figure who would yell at me if I was doing too much or going too hard.

My problem is that on the good days, I have enough energy to get things done, so I'll schedule that rehearsal, catch up on choreographing and push myself, do those three hours of research, visit a friend I haven't seen in forever -- what used to be normal stuff. Then for the next two days I am 10 pounds of poop in a 5 pound bag, to paraphrase. Some days are okay, and some days, like today, are really hard. Just going to class and walking to the library are painfully exhausting. Not to mention taking the stairs. Thank god I live on the ground floor. I can't relax. If I allow myself to take a break I just curl up into the Ball of Hurt.

So parents - could we please pony up for a few massages? Besides hot bath/cold bath therapy, which have been helpful, massage is the best thing I can be doing. It's in my textbook and the Olympic training center says so (we went there on a field trip today and the trainers said so.)

In other news,
Chelsea got swine flu and was quarantined for 3 days. Apparently the whole XC team is going to get it now.

Tuesday, October 6

from my old choreography notebook

Possibly the only face I've ever drawn.